3.16pm - Day 3 Gears and Beers 3-day Canberra tour

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Yunggaballi Park, Moncrieff.

Our last stop after three days of exploring Canberra.

Suburb and Street names in Canberra follow themes. Moncrief’s theme is music with the suburb being named in honour of Gladys Lillian Moncrieff, or 'Our Glad', who entertained Australian troops during World War II and the Korean conflict. The street names applaud Australia's music history.

The Ngunnawal people are the traditional owners of this land and ‘Yunggaballi’ means ‘singing’ in their language so the use of Yunggaballi to name this unique Canberra park and playground is very appropriate.

As well as the traditional slides, swings and climbs, the park and playground also has a wide range of musical instruments to play - that will even keep adults amused.

#mulga_tours_replay #experience_outdoors_act

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