Book Cairns to Karumba across Cape York - Starting 9th July, 2025
Thank you for choosing a Mulga Bicycle Tour. Please fill out the form below to reserve your place.
To complete your booking online you must have a valid email address. This is so we can send you an email confirming that we have received your booking request. If you do not have an email address please Contact Us before completing the form below so we can assist you with your booking.
You can pay the Booking Fee by either Mastercard, Visa or Bank Transfer.
Our preferred method of payment is Bank Transfer.
Payments made with MasterCard or Visa will incur the following surcharge which is not greater than the fees charged to us to process your card payment.
- Mastercard: 2.45%
- Visa: 2.44%
There is No Surcharge for payments made via Bank Transfer.