Pre-Tour Health declaration for Canberra Bike Tours
In the 24 hours prior to joining your scheduled bike tour of Canberra we will be asking you to answer the following questions using an online form that you can complete using your mobile phone.
- Have you tested positive for the COVID-19 virus in the last 10 days? Yes/No
- If you answered Yes to Question 1 what was the date you tested positive?
- Are you waiting to be informed of the results of a recent COVID-19 test? Yes/No
- In the last 14 days have you spent any time knowingly with a person who has COVID-19? (The reason we ask this question is because 25% or 1 in 4 people may still develop COVID-19 between day 7 and 14 after they have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. (Source updated 5 September 2022)) Yes/No
- If you answered Yes to Question 3 we will ask you some additional questions to help us understand your exposure risk.
- Do you feel unwell in any way? Yes/No
- Are you experiencing or have you experienced any of these symptoms in the previous 48 hours?
- Fever (a temperature of 37.5˚C or higher) or chills: Yes/No
- Cough: Yes/No
- Sore throat: Yes/No
- Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing): Yes/No
- Fatigue or tiredness: Yes/No
- Loss of smell and/or taste: Yes/No
- Aches and Pains: Yes/No
- Headache: Yes/No
- Runny or stuffy nose: Yes/No
- Diarrhoea: Yes/No
- Vomiting or nausea: Yes/No
- Sneeezing: Yes/No
If you answered Yes to any of the above questions or if you are not well with symptoms consistent with the COVID-19 virus, no matter the result of a PCR or rapid antigen test, you must not join your scheduled tour until you are well again.
To cancel or transfer a tour booking under these circumstances please call us on the telephone.